Iceland Aurora Reflection

The aurora borealis follows an 11 year cycle where aurora activity is at its maximum on the 11th year. I shot this video during the 11th year of the cycle. The aurora is a very dynamic thing, and I feel that still images just don’t do it justice. I decided I wanted to shoot the aurora using timelapse photography to show people how the aurora dances in the sky.
I chose Greenland as my main location for this video because of its remoteness and how far north it is geographically, and it sits directly under the aurora belt. Greenland usually has fairly clear skies, which makes the odds of seeing the aurora much better. The place was very challenging logistically as travel within Greenland is either by plane, helicopter, dogsled, or snowmobile.  I used two local guides to assist me and we traveled across the landscape mostly on dogsled.
